10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (2024)

Best Japanese Words – The Japanese language is quite unlike any other in the world. Whilst many people would stop and admire the sound of the language itself, it’s the beauty of the meaning behind some of their words and expressions that truly sets it apart.

The awareness of fleeting beauty; a walk through a silent forest; rays of sunlight that filters through the trees; happy feelings associated with nostalgia.

When you read any of the above, they conjure up an emotion within you. These seemingly universal emotions are often difficult to describe in one word in English, or any other language for the matter. However, these expressions are deeply rooted in the Japanese culture and thus are actual words used in the Japanese language.

Our 10 Best Japanese Words

We’ve chosen ten of the most beautiful and meaningful Japanese expressions for you to learn below.

  1. Shinrinyoku (森林浴)
  2. Ikigai (生きがい)
  3. Natsukashi (懐かしい)
  4. Kanbina (甘美な)
  5. Wabi-Sabi (侘寂)
  6. Kogarashi (木枯らし)
  7. Komorebi (木漏れ日)
  8. Unkai (雲海)
  9. Kintsugi (金継ぎ)
  10. Shouganai (しょうがない)

Not only do they express some poignant meanings, but they all roll off the tongue in pleasing manners!

1. Shinrinyoku (森林浴)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (1)

The literal translation of this word is ‘forest bath’. In Japan, it is an act of self-care to actually take a walk through a forest (there are many in Japan!) when you’re feeling slightly off-centre, need a break to clear your head, or just want a relaxing experience.

It is believed to have many restorative and therapeutic benefits that are almost like food for the soul. Want lower blood pressure? Release some stress hormones? Get a little cardio out of your day? Experiencing a shinrinyoku might be exactly what you need!

By the way, if you want to hike in Japan, make sure you read this guide: Hiking in Japan.

2. Ikigai (生きがい)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (2)

Simply put, your ikigai is your reason for being.

Ever thought about why you get up every morning? Or the reason behind why you do the things you do?

In the Japanese culture, they describe these reasons for being as your ikigai. To find your ikigai is to find the balance between the spiritual with the practical. Start off with figuring out what you’re passionate about, and then find the ‘how’ in which you can express and pursue that passion.

3. Natsukashi (懐かしい)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (3)

The English counterpart for natsukashi would be nostalgia. However, this is where the similarities end.In the Western world, experiencing nostalgia brings about waves of sadness and longing for the past that was.

Natsukashi, however, is the emotion brought about when thinking about the past with positive feelings only.

Something is natsukashi if you’re reliving happy memories of your past and not feeling that burden of yearning.

If you are into this vibe, you need to check out our Japanese vintage posters!

4. Kanbina (甘美な)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (5)

Kanbina describes a word that is pleasant to hear. What a perfect word for this list!

This word or expression is often used in the context when someone speaks a word that is music to the ears or rolls off the tongue pleasantly.

It is also used between romantic couples when complimenting each other, or in more poetic or fantastical sentences when describing a feeling or emotion.

5. Wabi-Sabi (侘寂)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (6)

Wabi-sabi is a word used in Japan to describe beauty that is imperfect. It is rooted in Buddhist teachings that remind us that life is fleeting and it is not perfect.

For example, when you see a teapot that shows uneven colouring, it can still be as beautiful, if not more beautiful, than an evenly coloured one.

Wabi-sabi is a philosophy that is deeply ingrained in the Japanese view of aesthetics. Appreciating imperfections may not be as normal a thing to do based on Western standards of beauty, but in Japan, valuing imperfections within the beauty of an object as a whole is natural.

If you are into this philosophy of life, you can get our Wabi Sabi t-shirt here:

6. Kogarashi (木枯らし)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (8)

Have you ever experienced that particular first wind during the final days of autumn that you know indicates the coming of winter?

Kogarashi describes that exact wind. Its literal translation is ‘leaf shaking/wilting wind’, and many Japanese use it as a reference to prepare for the upcoming cold months.

For those who do not enjoy winter months, the beauty of this word may be lost.

However, kogarashi perfectly encapsulates that feeling you get when that cold, brisk wind washes over you in that one instant and you just know.

Many cold countries around the world experience this cold snap but no other word describes it as perfectly as kogarashi.

7. Komorebi (木漏れ日)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (9)

The feeling of sunlight filtering through the trees onto your face when you’re hiking deep in the mountains is something that English words can’t really describe…but the Japanese have a word for it, and that is komorebi.

It may be because more than 60% of the Japan is forests and mountains, but such a word can only exist in a country that deeply values their connection with nature.

8. Unkai (雲海)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (10)

On that note, the Japanese also have a word to describe the picturesque sea of clouds that meets the eyes after a long hike to the peak of a mountain: unkai.

One of the reasons why many Japanese people love hiking is because of the rewarding view at the end. When the mountain is high enough (and let’s be honest, most in Japan are!) and the hike takes you above the clouds, the view of the clouds spreading far into the horizon is quite a sight to behold.

The Japanese alps are the perfect place to experience this!

9. Kintsugi (also known as kintsukuroi) (金継ぎ)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (11)

In Japan, Kintsugi is the practice of mending broken pottery with gold or silver to fill in the cracks and make the object whole again. This is a prime example of wabi-sabi; finding the beauty in the imperfections.

Japanese people believe that rather than disposing or rejecting a broken item, finding a way to piece it back together makes it more beautiful than it originally was. When participating in kintsugi, the broken pottery that has been pieced together now also has a unique history.

10. Shouganai (しょうがない)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (12)

When we say ‘it can’t be helped’, we are often painfully resigning ourselves to situations that are out of our control, and it is usually a mentally draining experience. However, when using the expression shouganai, the Japanese are more so objectively accepting a bad situation for what it is.

People using this word realise that there is no point in complaining because that won’t help or change the situation. They realise that life is much bigger than what is happening right then and there, and so they accept the fact of the matter for what it is and move on.

This expression is a suggestion as to why and how Japanese people remain so resilient amongst all the natural disasters that they face year on year.

Bonus Japanese Expression: Kuidaore (食い倒れ)

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (13)

Kuidaore is something that many, many people around the world have experienced before. It is a wholesome word to describe the situation where *drumroll* … one eats themselves bankrupt!

Don’t take this too literally though! It just means that one person can have such an extravagant love of food that they will happily spend all their money on it. Foodies are victims of this phenomenon that can’t be escaped if you’re the type to dream about your next meal before finishing what’s in front of you.

Fun fact: Kuidaore has become unofficially associated with the Dotonbori district of Osaka. This famous foodie hotspot boasts food stall after food stall, restaurant after restaurant, market after market.It is the ultimate heaven for a Japanese food lover!

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (14)

We hope you feel refreshed after learning all these beautiful expressions of the Japanese language. The meanings can be described in English but no words can ever really replace these unique words, which makes them quite fascinating!

Add these words to your vocabulary and try to use them in everyday sentences in order to remember them.

When you’re experiencing a poignant or tranquil moment, think back to these words and see if any can perfectly encapsulate the moment.

I hope you enjoyed our 10 best Japanese words. If you have any suggestions on other beautiful and meaningful Japanese expressions, we’d love to hear it in the comments!

And if you want to learn more Japanese, feel free to check out this blog post too: 20 Japanese Phrases You Should Know Before To Travel To Japan.

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information, including the concepts mentioned in the article you provided. Here is some information related to the concepts used in the article:

Japanese Language and its Unique Words

The Japanese language is known for its unique words and expressions that often convey deep meanings. These words are deeply rooted in Japanese culture and may not have direct translations in other languages. The article highlights some of the most beautiful and meaningful Japanese expressions. Let's explore them further:

1. Shinrinyoku (森林浴)

Shinrinyoku, which translates to "forest bath," refers to the act of taking a walk through a forest for relaxation and self-care. It is believed to have restorative and therapeutic benefits, such as reducing stress and improving overall well-being [[1]].

2. Ikigai (生きがい)

Ikigai is a concept that represents one's reason for being or the purpose of life. It involves finding a balance between the spiritual and practical aspects of life. Discovering and pursuing one's passions and interests are essential in finding ikigai [[2]].

3. Natsukashi (懐かしい)

Natsukashi is a word that conveys a sense of nostalgia, but with positive feelings associated with happy memories of the past. It differs from the Western concept of nostalgia, which often includes a longing or sadness for the past [[3]].

4. Kanbina (甘美な)

Kanbina describes something that is pleasant to hear, such as words that are music to the ears or roll off the tongue pleasantly. It can be used to compliment someone or describe a feeling or emotion in a poetic manner [[4]].

5. Wabi-Sabi (侘寂)

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic concept that appreciates the beauty of imperfection and impermanence. It emphasizes finding beauty in the natural cycle of growth, decay, and the passage of time. It is often associated with simplicity, rusticity, and asymmetry [[5]].

6. Kogarashi (木枯らし)

Kogarashi refers to the cold, brisk wind that blows during the final days of autumn, indicating the arrival of winter. It captures the feeling of the changing seasons and is often used to prepare for the upcoming cold months [[6]].

7. Komorebi (木漏れ日)

Komorebi describes the phenomenon of sunlight filtering through the trees, creating a play of light and shadow. It is a word that represents the beauty of nature and is often experienced while hiking in forests or mountains [[7]].

8. Unkai (雲海)

Unkai refers to the sea of clouds that can be seen when hiking to the peak of a mountain. It is a breathtaking sight, especially when the clouds spread far into the horizon. The Japanese Alps are known for providing opportunities to experience unkai [[8]].

9. Kintsugi (金継ぎ)

Kintsugi is the art of repairing broken pottery by using gold or silver to fill in the cracks. This technique not only restores the object but also highlights the beauty of its imperfections. It is a practice rooted in the philosophy of wabi-sabi [[9]].

10. Shouganai (しょうがない)

Shouganai is an expression that conveys acceptance of a situation that cannot be changed or helped. It reflects a mindset of resilience and moving forward without dwelling on things beyond one's control. This attitude is often associated with the Japanese people's ability to cope with natural disasters [[10]].

Bonus Expression: Kuidaore (食い倒れ)

Kuidaore describes the situation where one indulges in extravagant eating to the point of spending all their money. It represents a love for food and the willingness to enjoy culinary experiences to the fullest. The word is often associated with the foodie hotspot, Dotonbori district in Osaka [[11]].

These Japanese words and expressions capture unique aspects of Japanese culture and provide insights into the Japanese way of life. Incorporating them into your vocabulary can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the language and its cultural nuances.

I hope you find this information helpful! If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, feel free to ask.

10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know (2024)


10 Beautiful & Meaningful Japanese Expressions You Should Know? ›

井の中の蛙大海を知らず (I no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu) English Translation: “A frog in the well does not know the ocean.” This Japanese proverb means you should not look at situations from their face value. Go beyond that and widen your imagination.

What are some cool Japanese phrases? ›

Some cool words to say in Japanese conversations
  • naruhodo (なるほど) = oh, I see! ( casual)
  • yabai (やばい) = crazy (the good or bad kind, depending on context)
  • ossu (おっす) = what's up?
  • benkyō ni narimash*ta (勉強になりました) = literally “I've learned something”
  • kimoi (キモい) = gross!
Nov 19, 2021

What are some cute Japanese phrases? ›

Cute Japanese Words That Will Make You Smile
  • 10 Cute Japanese Words with Meaning.
  • かわいい (kawaii) — Cute. Of course, the first one of our Japanese cute words is… ...
  • ときどき (tokidoki) — Sometimes. ...
  • くらくら (kurakura) — Dizzy. ...
  • あたらしい (atarashii) — New. ...
  • にこにこ (nikoniko) — Smile. ...
  • おいしい (oishii) — Delicious. ...
  • もも (momo) — Peach.

What Japanese words are associated with beauty? ›

  • Aesthetic Japanese words. Japanese words aesthetic. ...
  • 空 (Sora) sky. ...
  • 幽玄 (Yugen) Profound Mystery. ...
  • 美しい (utsukushii) Beautiful. ...
  • 風流 (Furyuu) Grace and Elegance. ...
  • 素朴 (Sopoku) Simplicity and Naturalness. ...
  • 木漏れ日 (Komorebi) Sunlight Filtering Through Trees. ...
  • 空気 (Kuuki) Atmosphere and Feeling.

What are the 10 Japanese words? ›

Learn 10 Japanese words and phrases
  • “Konnichi wa” means “hello!”
  • “Je ne” means “goodbye.”
  • “O-negai shimasu” means “please.”
  • “Arigato” means “thank you!”
  • “Doitashimash*te” means “you're welcome.”
  • “Ohayo gozaimasu” means “good morning.”
  • “Konbanwa” means “good evening.”
  • “O-yasumi nasai” means “good night.”

What is the famous Japanese saying? ›

井の中の蛙大海を知らず (I no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu) English Translation: “A frog in the well does not know the ocean.” This Japanese proverb means you should not look at situations from their face value. Go beyond that and widen your imagination.

What are the 100 most common Japanese phrases with meanings? ›

  • こんにちは (Konnichiwa) - Hello.
  • ありがとう (Arigatou) - Thank you.
  • すみません (Sumimasen) - Excuse me / I am sorry.
  • はい (Hai) - Yes.
  • いいえ (Iie) - No.
  • おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu) - Good morning.
  • こんばんは (Konbanwa) - Good evening.
  • さようなら (Sayonara) - Goodbye.

What is the most romantic thing to say in Japanese? ›

In Japanese it is “愛してる” (aish*teru), which in English means “I love you”. If you like or love somebody you can also say “大好き” (daisuki), It also means I love you or I like you. In Japan, most people say 大好き(daisuki), because it seems more implicit and it accords with Japanese Culture.

What is the Japanese slang for pretty? ›

Kawaii” is more used than the word kirei as pretty. “Kirei” just means pretty, and spelt like 綺麗. What is the Japanese word for a pretty boy? The boy who categorized to pretty than handsome.

What does Ara Ara say? ›

So I have decided to write this detailed post to explain the exact meaning of the phrase as well as the difference between what “Ara ara” means in real life and what it means in Anime. Ara ara (あら あら) is a Japanese expression that is mainly used by older females and means “My my”, “Oh dear”, or “Oh me, oh my”.

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Cute Japanese Words
  • かわいい (kawaii) or Cute. This is one you've probably heard quite a bit: かわいい. ...
  • くらくら (kurakura) or Dizzy. Kurakura means dizzy. ...
  • ねこ (neko) or Cat. Neko is a cute and fun word to pronounce that means "cat" or characteristics of cats. ...
  • たのしい (tanoshi) or Fun. ...
  • こもれび (komorebi) ...
  • かざはな (kazahana)
Oct 2, 2023

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Though it might suffice to say that wabi-sabi is the beauty of imperfect things, that would be an overly simplistic explanation of such a deep and profoundly rooted notion in the Japanese spirit.

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  • Mar 16, 2024. Japanese beauty secrets for a glowing youthful skin. ...
  • Beauty tips coming from Japan. Japanese women take a keen interest in nurturing their beauty at a very young age. ...
  • Consume green tea every day. ...
  • Using green tea as a toner. ...
  • Using face massager. ...
  • Using rice bran. ...
  • Consuming collagen. ...
  • Using face oils or serums.
Mar 16, 2024

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Japanese Words List | 1-10
6 more rows
Aug 23, 2022

What does Ku da Sai mean in Japanese? ›

Kudasai literally means "please give me". This is commonly used when ordering a dish or a drink, or when buying something at a store.

What does desu ka mean? ›

It's often used to ask or indicate if something is okay. For example: “ii desu ka” (is it ok?).

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Good catchphrases can bring a character to life in a more concise way.
  1. 1 "What A Drag" Is The Most Memorable Catchphrase Of All Time (Naruto)
  2. 2 "Just A Guy Who's A Hero For Fun" Represents The Playfulness Of The Story (One Punch Man) ...
  3. 3 "Tuturuu" Makes Steins;Gate Work (Steins;Gate) ...
May 17, 2022

What is Japan's slogan? ›

Japan motto is :”Endless disovery”, implies that japan is destination with countless historical,traditional,and cultural attractions, encouraging travelers to see the country as a destination for visiting more than once.

What is awesome in Japanese slang? ›

Egui (えぐい) = Awesome or incredible. Gachi (ガチ) = Serious or real. Ganba (がんば) = A short version of “ganbatte,” meaning “do your best” or “good luck.”


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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